Corporate Sponsorship
Consider a sponsorship on MPT for your marketing arsenal
If you’re a company or an organization with a message, let Maryland Public Television be your megaphone to amplify your words for viewers throughout the state and beyond.
Through corporate sponsorships – sometimes called underwriting – for-profit and nonprofit groups alike can deliver succinct, compelling messages to audiences of all ages. In fact, via our four separate television channels, you can target your communication to reach your prospects at times and places when they’re most receptive to thoughtful marketing messages – and, no, on public TV they’re not called “commercials,” even though the intent is the same.
Because MPT is one of 161 member stations in the PBS network, it’s a daily, go-to destination for discerning viewers who not only enjoy our programming but who also endorse the individuals and organizations that support public TV.
Sponsorships can be as simple as linking your enterprise to a particular TV program or a time of day (weeknight primetime or weekend mornings, for example) and delivering your message. But sponsorships can include more features – such as print ads in our 60,000-circulation Program Guide or title sponsorship of MPT events and so on. On MPT, you select the combination of features and the timing that works best.
Consider these benefits of an MPT sponsorship:
Television is the biggest stage to reach the citizens of Maryland and MPT is at the forefront
• MPT achieves this goal by using MPT’s broadcasting footprint to reach audiences in: Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Northern Virginia, and parts of West Virginia.
MPT is a television station with free statewide broadcasting
• This allows MPT to broadcast throughout the state of Maryland, Pennsylvania, Northern Virginia, and West Virginia
MPT reaches 1.2M persons 18+ in the Baltimore/Washington DMA
• This allows MPT the ability to offer unique tangible benefits with MPT’s various program genres
Want to learn more?
For additional information, please contact Terri Carpenter at 410-581-4302 or email at