Back to School Routines
Find tips and resources to help you and your children establish new routines this school year.
Find tips and resources to help you and your children establish new routines this school year.
Your Digital Backpack is a statewide initiative that brings together trusted organizations to share free early learning resources and information with parents and caregivers. MPT, together with PNC Grow Up Great, is here to help all Maryland families find the information they need to support their children with health and wellness, social-emotional wellbeing, and school readiness resources.
Head Start is a no-cost early education program for children ages 3-5 years. Find a program in your area here.
Be sure to register your child for one on Maryland's high-quality Pre-K programs. Find your local contact information here.
Your Family's Dental Health is important and the Maryland Healthy Smiles Dental Program can help.
Learn about important developmental milestones and find interactive tools by visiting, https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/actearly/milestones-app.html
Spending time outdoors can boost your mood and improve your health.
Contact your local library for more information about free events and services.
Contact your local library for more information about free events and services.
Your Digital Backpack Learning Tip of the Week
Easy Math Activities
Check out these short videos of MPT education staff demonstrating easy At-Home Learning activities you can try with your kids!
Playing with water is always fun! Use containers in different shapes and sizes and let kids estimate which has more or less water. Practicing pouring back and forth to test their predictions.
Maryland 211
211 is a free and confidential service available 24/7/365. Please call 211 or text your zip code to 898 211 for assistance with utilities, housing, family services and more.
Maryland 211 is a free and confidential service available 24/7/365. Please call 211 or text your zip code to 898 211 for assistance with utilities, housing, family services, and more.
The Maternal and Child Health Bureau provides many services and resources to support healthy families. Call today for more information.
The Maryland Food Back has locations throughout the state. Use their "find food" locator by simply entering your zipcode.
Your Digital Backpack is a new initiative that brings together trusted organizations across the state to share free early learning resources and information for parents and caregivers.
The Maryland Children's Health Program (MCHP) offers many benefits for medical and mental health services. Call 1-855-642-8572 for details.
Contact a SNAP benefits program coordinator to help you complete the application process. Call 410-737-8282.