Standing Against Racism: Fostering Unity Through Dialogue
HBCU Week 2020 - November 30-December 4 - #HBCUWeekMD
In 2020, MPT was proud to launch its inaugural HBCU Week, as part of its Standing Against Racism: Fostering Unity Through Dialogue initiative.
Historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs) are institutions of higher education in the United States that were established before the Civil Rights Act of 1964 with the intention of primarily serving the African American community. There are currently 101 HBCUs, with 27 offering doctoral programs, 52 offering master's programs, 83 offering bachelor's degree programs, and 38 offering associate degrees.

Program Schedule 2020
Monday, November 30
Jeff Salkin spoke with Morgan State University's Dr. David Wilson about the role HBCUs can play in addressing the systemic issues facing urban America, and Charles Robinson discussed the Biden-Harris plan to invest $70 billion in HBCUs with Dr. Wayne Frederick, Howard University; Dr. Ronald Mason, Jr., University of the District of Columbia; and Dr. Paulette Dillard, Shaw University.
Watch the archived stream:
Tuesday, December 1
This evening included discussion and interviews with leaders in the HBCU community.
A documentary about the establishment of the oldest HBCU in the South.
A documentary about the essential role the nation’s HBCUs have played in shaping Black life.
Repeat airings of Tell Them We Are Rising:
Dec. 3 at 8pm on MPT2
Dec 5 at 11:30am on MPT HD
Wednesday, December 2
A virtual screening and discussion of Shaw Rising, with President Dr. Paulette Dillard of Shaw University, and MPT Senior Vice President and Chief Content Officer Travis Mitchell.
Watch Shaw Rising here.
Watch the archived stream of the conversion:
Friday, December 4
To cap off HBCU Week, State Circle reporters spoke with members of Maryland’s Legislative Black Caucus who are HBCU graduates about their HBCU experience.
Watch the archived stream:
More information about Tuesday night's programming
On Tuesday, December 1, MPT airs three hours of programming on HBCUs. Shaw Rising, a documentary about the oldest HBCU in the South that was resurrected under the leadership of former Morgan State University Dean Dr. Talbert O. Shaw (deceased) anchors the evening and will be followed by Stanley Nelson’s Tell Them We Are Rising.
The president of Shaw University, Dr. Paulette Dillard, will be joined by the presidents and alumni of area HBCUs to discuss their schools' important missions and impact on society today.
Invited guests and interviews will include:
• Dr. David Wilson, President, Morgan State University
• Congressman Kweisi Mfume, Chairman, Morgan State University Board of Regents
• Mrs. Phyllis Davis, President, MSU Alumni Association
• Dr. Aminta Breaux, President, Bowie State University
• Mr. Darren M. Swain, President, Bowie State University Alumni Association
• Dr. Anthony Jenkins, President, Coppin State University
• Dr. Mary E. Owens-Southall, President, Coppin State University Alumni Association
• Dr. Heidi M. Anderson, President, University of Maryland Eastern Shore
• Dr. James White, Jr., President, University of Maryland Eastern Shore Alumni Association
• Founded in 1865
• Approximately 1,500 students
• The oldest HBCU in the South
• Gave birth to four HBCUs: North Carolina A&T State University, Fayetteville State University, Elizabeth City State University, and North Carolina Central
• 24 academic programs
• 15-to-1 student-to-faculty ratio