Leadership Society
Your annual leadership contribution of $1,200 or more to the MPT Foundation keeps our public television station on course and on mission. Your gift makes it possible for MPT to deliver content of consequence throughout our five-state broadcast region with:
• Award-winning, on-air regional and national programming
• Statewide public outreach programs
• Educational content and services through Thinkport, an online early childhood through grade 12 mega-website for parents and educators. Thinkport provides rich digital media, interactive learning experiences and educators' professional development courses.
Leadership Society benefits are intended to be fully tax deductible. A member of MPT's Major Gifts staff can personally assist you in purchasing gifts offered during on-air pledge drives. Purchases may affect your tax deduction.
To join MPT's Leadership Society via check, please make the check payable to the MPT Foundation and mail to the following address:
MPT Foundation
Attn: Lauri-Ann Dacosta
11767 Owings Mills Blvd
Owings Mills, MD 21117
Leadership Society Member Benefits
All Leadership Society members receive
--MPT Passport - Access to your favorite PBS & MPT shows anytime and anywhere--
--Acknowledgement listing in the MPT Annual Report & Honor Roll--
$1,200 - $9,999
Benefits include those of the Member level, plus:
- On-air credit, up to 15 runs/year
- Complimentary tickets to Leadership Society exclusive events
- Exclusive semiannual station programming updates
$10,000 - $24,999
Benefits include those of the Leader level, plus:
- On-air credit in prime time, up to 50 runs/year
- Private, personalized MPT station tours
- Invitation to a private reception with CEO and MPT Foundation Board of Directors
To learn more and become a member of the Leadership Society or if you wish to change the way your name appears, please contact:
Laura Ligo
Leadership Giving Manager