MPT Presents
The SixTripleEight
The 6888th, the only predominantly-Black female battalion to serve in Europe during WWII.
In honor of America's military veterans, MPT is proud to present a slate of documentaries during November, a month designated as "National Veterans and Military Families Month."
Here you will find more than 15 hours of programming focused on those who've served, their experiences in war and peace, and the families who support them and preserve their legacies.
Saturday, November 2, 9pm(MPT-HD)
Jack Taylor: The Enterprise
Saturday, November 2, 10pm(MPT-HD)
Survivors of Malmedy: December 1944
Sunday, November 3, 3pm(MPT-HD)
Eyes of the World: From D-Day to VE Day
Sunday, November 3, 5pm(MPT-HD)
Valor and Memory
Friday, November 8, 9pm(MPT-HD)
Salute to Service 2024: A Veterans Day Celebration
Friday, November 8, 10pm(MPT-HD)
Peleliu: WWII's Most Well-Preserved Battlefield
Monday, November 11, 7pm (MPT-HD)
Salute to Veterans
Monday, November 11, 9pm(MPT-HD)
Buffalo Soldiers: Fighting on Two Fronts
Monday, November 11, 10pm(MPT-HD)
Independent Lens - Make Peace or Die: Honor the Fallen
Thursday, November 7, 10:30pm (MPT2/Create®)
The Last Ring Home
Monday, November 11, 9pm (MPT2/Create®)
Dad's Secret War: France 1944
MPT is proud to join the Maryland Department of Veterans Affairs, the National Association of Counties, and other agencies, organizations, and individuals participating in Operation Green Light.
Operation Green Light is an annual initiative intended to raise awareness of the resources available to veterans and to show veterans they are seen, heard, and supported. Landmarks including MPT's Kaplan Studio and front plaza will be illuminated in green during the week of November 4-11.
MPT Presents
The 6888th, the only predominantly-Black female battalion to serve in Europe during WWII.
MPT Presents
In 1918, 223 women were sent to France as telephone operators to help win the Great War.
aired Friday, November 11 at 9pm
Vietnam Prisoners of War recall their experiences and reveal how they found gratitude afterwards.
MPT Presents
Healed reveals a musician’s struggle to perform and thrive after being diagnosed with MS.
aired Friday, November 11 at 8pm on MPT2
Conversations with veterans reveal what life is like before, during and after action.
The story of a special U.S. Air Force squadron during the Vietnam War.
MPT Specials
U.S. involvement in South Vietnam's war grows as the first troops arrive in 1965.
This series traces the veteran experience across the arc of American history.
The story of this esteemed serviceman whose exploits in World War II made him among the most decorated soldiers in American history.
One mother's efforts to heal after her veteran son's suicide unleashes humanity's goodness.
This film commemorates the 100th anniversary of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and its continued significance.
An actor, dancer and soldier explore their identities as casualties of war via theater.
Baltimore VA's Community Resource and Referral Center is a place for homeless veterans to stop by and get a shower, clean-up, do laundry, get basic groceries and also get seen by a health care provider. The goal is to get veterans into the system to get them permanent housing, health and mental health care and career development.
In tonight’s Salute to Veterans, we head to Anne Arundel County where a group of quilters are comforting and thanking veterans whose days are numbered. About 200 quilts have been made and donated since 2014. All of the recipients are receiving end of life care from Hospice of the Chesapeake.
How one flag and a husband and wife team are honoring our fallen heroes. Chris Heisler is on a mission…to honor, educate and inspire. Since 2007, he has been traveling around the US and world to honor members of the US Armed Forces, police officers and firefighters who have been killed in the line of duty. Heisler received the flag shortly after 9/11 when he led the largest convoy of first responders to Ground Zero.
These older veterans are getting fit, healthy and finding long lasting friendships in preparation of the Golden Age Games. Veterans participate in several sports such as pickleball, table tennis and other races to compete for a medal from competitors across the nation.
In Frederick, Platoon Veterans Service Center Goodwill Monocacy Valley offers veterans a variety of services and help navigate benefits offered to veterans. From donations, acupuncture and mental health resources, resume-building workshops and job fairs, veterans can gather in camaraderie and develop friendships.
Cynthia Davis greets each and every patient at the Baltimore VA Medical Center with humor and good cheer. As a volunteer escort for veteran patients who need to go from one place to another, she makes it a point to be lighthearted but she takes her job seriously.
Helping hand for veterans who need assistance - CRRCs provide Veterans who are homeless and at risk of homelessness with one-stop access to community-based, multiagency services to promote permanent housing, health and mental health care, career development, and access to VA and non-VA benefits.
American Legion Post 122 honored two dozen veterans at Atrium Village retirement home where they talk about the value of service and sacrifice.
The state of Maryland is honoring women veterans who are now serving the state. They are also eligible for many benefits that they may not be aware of.
The WWII Foundation and the Best Defense Foundation share how they are honoring surviving WWII veterans, in some cases by bringing them back to the very battlefields they fought on.
The United States of America Vietnam War Commemoration is thanking and honoring Vietnam veterans and their families on behalf of the nation for their service and sacrifice. Distinct recognition is being given to former prisoners of war and families of those still listed as missing in action.
Chris Heisler of the Honor Network talks about his mission to honor and pay respect to those who made the ultimate sacrifice. He travels around the country to present the official Honor Flag to grieving families.
Leah Cortez is an Army veteran and wife of an active duty soldier. Through her art exhibit at the Gaslight Gallery in Frederick, she shares her experiences of military life and has a distinct message about the price of freedom.
MPT takes a closer look at monumental legislation to expand benefits for millions of veterans exposed to toxic burn pits. It is a huge relief for veterans who have long fought the Veterans Administration to get their treatment paid for.